220 Patti Matka Predictions & Fast Results: Kalyan, Syndicate, and Satta GUESSING Tips 11.08.2024 |
220 Patti Matka Predictions & Fast Results: Kalyan, Syndicate, and Satta GUESSING Tips
220 patti chart
GUESSING Tips 11.08.2024
GUESSING Tips Numbers Matka 220 Patti:
498, 507, 683, 173, 296, 748, 230, 519, 641, 784, 613, 920, 831, 274, 658, 742,
850, 963, 145, 318, 478, 269
Matka Pana List
762, 841, 293, 145, 769, 582, 930, 627, 385, 470, 953, 624, 801, 549, 732, 651,
932, 184, 530, 794, 218, 356
Satta Matka
598, 643, 172, 849, 215, 736, 803, 497, 682, 940, 761, 539, 421, 374, 829, 163,
805, 714, 690, 937, 526, 384
Satta Market
617, 834, 295, 146, 782, 459, 810, 375, 692, 743, 580, 931, 265, 408, 759, 328,
947, 621, 853, 706, 130, 482
220 Patti
538, 427, 610, 792, 453, 189, 754, 326, 481, 539, 690, 842, 913, 576, 234, 861,
792, 149, 873, 405, 961, 720
Kalyan Matka Tips
469, 258, 701, 834, 510, 973, 826, 479, 351, 294, 658, 147, 830, 562, 918, 237,
405, 791, 624, 302, 158, 749
541, 832, 796, 254, 308, 690, 472, 853, 164, 527, 931, 405, 178, 963, 850, 421,
756, 293, 810, 437, 928, 615
Fix Matka Number
632, 481, 594, 217, 893, 746, 208, 563, 174, 395, 861, 902, 749, 632, 489, 201,
563, 824, 913, 670, 481, 795
Satta Matka Pana Chart
485, 930, 724, 659, 128, 570, 493, 162, 847, 316, 520, 987, 432, 180, 654, 971,
284, 753, 310, 698, 520, 497
Satta Matka Weekly Patti Chart
604, 137, 495, 829, 310, 752, 836, 491, 530, 674, 291, 804, 167, 953, 620, 478,
593, 728, 361, 940, 715, 682
100 | 1 | 777 |
128 | 137 | 146 |
236 | 245 | 290 |
380 | 470 | 489 |
560 | 579 | 678 |
119 | 155 | 227 |
335 | 344 | 399 |
588 | 669 |
200 | 2 | 444 |
129 | 138 | 147 |
156 | 237 | 246 |
345 | 390 | 480 |
570 | 589 | 679 |
110 | 228 | 255 |
336 | 499 | 660 |
688 | 778 |
300 | 3 | 111 |
120 | 139 | 148 |
157 | 238 | 247 |
256 | 346 | 490 |
580 | 670 | 689 |
166 | 229 | 337 |
355 | 445 | 599 |
779 | 788 |
400 | 4 | 888 |
130 | 149 | 158 |
167 | 239 | 248 |
257 | 347 | 356 |
590 | 680 | 789 |
112 | 220 | 266 |
338 | 446 | 455 |
699 | 770 |
500 | 5 | 555 |
140 | 159 | 168 |
230 | 249 | 258 |
267 | 348 | 357 |
456 | 690 | 780 |
113 | 122 | 177 |
339 | 366 | 447 |
799 | 889 |
600 | 6 | 222 |
123 | 150 | 169 |
178 | 240 | 259 |
268 | 349 | 358 |
367 | 457 | 790 |
114 | 277 | 330 |
448 | 466 | 556 |
880 | 899 |
700 | 7 | 999 |
124 | 160 | 179 |
250 | 269 | 278 |
340 | 359 | 368 |
458 | 467 | 890 |
115 | 133 | 188 |
223 | 377 | 449 |
557 | 566 |
800 | 8 | 666 |
125 | 134 | 170 |
189 | 260 | 279 |
350 | 369 | 378 |
459 | 468 | 567 |
116 | 224 | 233 |
288 | 440 | 477 |
558 | 990 |
900 | 9 | 333 |
126 | 135 | 180 |
234 | 270 | 289 |
360 | 379 | 450 |
469 | 478 | 568 |
117 | 144 | 199 |
225 | 388 | 559 |
577 | 667 |
550 | 0 | 000 |
127 | 136 | 145 |
190 | 235 | 280 |
370 | 389 | 460 |
479 | 569 | 578 |
118 | 226 | 244 |
299 | 334 | 488 |
668 | 677 |
GUESSING Tips 10.08.2024
Satta Matka Weekly Patti Chart
Category | Numbers |
GUESSING Tips Numbers | 932, 417, 651, 184, 579, 702, 351, 983, 476, 190, 568, 623, 479, 915, 288, 333, 427, 556, 798, 811, 634, 252 |
Matka 220 Patti | 510, 324, 648, 930, 281, 756, 947, 361, 495, 812, 670, 743, 194, 820, 567, 376, 244, 999, 111, 832, 756, 600 |
Matka Pana List | 127, 538, 904, 216, 749, 682, 435, 994, 351, 637, 228, 894, 669, 531, 222, 487, 701, 934, 552, 290, 161, 889 |
Satta Matka | 349, 820, 674, 150, 394, 287, 505, 193, 624, 856, 318, 947, 402, 792, 671, 530, 823, 191, 776, 963, 289, 481 |
Satta Market | 692, 371, 459, 826, 538, 710, 264, 883, 199, 505, 746, 372, 842, 915, 301, 769, 158, 634, 225, 987, 510, 433 |
220 Patti | 415, 837, 692, 370, 194, 652, 825, 119, 401, 765, 927, 385, 213, 844, 579, 638, 772, 189, 437, 651, 931, 224 |
Kalyan Matka Tips | 512, 964, 837, 203, 465, 591, 748, 311, 928, 673, 254, 199, 650, 347, 882, 529, 148, 713, 960, 455, 672, 815 |
Dpboss | 187, 392, 674, 519, 485, 297, 104, 678, 823, 340, 956, 243, 389, 507, 111, 741, 632, 850, 244, 966, 138, 422 |
Fix Matka Number | 623, 908, 354, 167, 792, 415, 287, 834, 996, 528, 301, 457, 714, 235, 629, 451, 123, 788, 945, 600, 233, 877 |
Satta Matka Pana Chart | 507, 162, 934, 875, 281, 730, 614, 952, 386, 749, 227, 840, 465, 711, 993, 402, 657, 184, 532, 934, 189, 764 |
Satta Matka Weekly Patti Chart | 837, 549, 183, 920, 468, 375, 651, 294, 736, 510, 927, 815, 642, 190, 832, 574, 233, 679, 519, 100, 485, 331 |
GUESSING Tips 09.08.2024
Satta Matka Weekly Patti Chart
Category | GUESSING Tips Numbers |
Matka 220 Patti | 137, 128, 146, 236, 245, 290, 380, 470, 489, 560, 678, 579, 119, 155, 227, 335, 344, 399, 588, 669, 777, 100 |
Matka Pana List | 129, 138, 147, 156, 237, 246, 345, 390, 480, 570, 589, 679, 110, 228, 255, 336, 499, 660, 688, 778, 200, 444 |
Satta Matka | 120, 139, 148, 157, 238, 247, 256, 346, 490, 580, 670, 689, 166, 229, 337, 355, 445, 599, 779, 788, 300, 111 |
Satta Market | 130, 149, 158, 167, 239, 248, 257, 347, 356, 590, 680, 789, 112, 220, 266, 338, 446, 455, 699, 770, 400, 888 |
220 Patti | 140, 159, 168, 230, 249, 258, 267, 348, 357, 456, 690, 780, 113, 122, 177, 339, 366, 447, 799, 889, 500, 555 |
Kalyan Matka Tips | 123, 150, 169, 178, 240, 259, 268, 349, 358, 367, 457, 790, 114, 277, 330, 448, 466, 556, 880, 899, 600, 222 |
Dpboss | 124, 160, 179, 250, 269, 278, 340, 359, 368, 458, 467, 890, 115, 133, 188, 223, 377, 449, 557, 566, 700, 999 |
Fix Matka Number | 125, 134, 170, 189, 260, 279, 350, 369, 378, 459, 468, 567, 116, 224, 233, 288, 440, 477, 558, 990, 800, 666 |
Satta Matka Pana Chart | 126, 135, 180, 234, 270, 289, 360, 379, 450, 469, 478, 568, 117, 144, 199, 225, 388, 559, 577, 667, 900, 333 |
Satta Matka Weekly Patti Chart | 127, 136, 145, 190, 235, 280, 370, 389, 460, 479, 569, 578, 118, 226, 244, 299, 334, 488, 668, 677, 000, 550 |
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Comprehensive Satta Matka Weekly Patti Summary
- Matka 220 Patti: Lists combinations such as 137, 128,
146, etc., across various sections. - Matka Pana List: Includes combinations like 129, 138,
147, etc. - Satta Matka & Market: Organized into detailed
categories. - 220 Patti & Kalyan Matka Tips: Includes strategic
guessing tips.
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It seems you are looking for information related to "220 Patti" and various
aspects of Matka games. Matka is a popular form of gambling in India that
involves betting on numbers, and "220 Patti" is one of the terms associated with
the Matka system.
If you are seeking specific information or results related to Matka games
like "220 Patti Kalyan," it’s recommended to visit dedicated websites or forums
that provide real-time updates and tips. These sites usually have charts,
results, and guessing numbers related to various Matka games.
For accurate and updated results, you should refer to trusted Matka result